my first post – Horror movies

Hello my name is Zach or Patricia potato, i loveĀ  horror movies/shows they are the best thing ever they are so fun to watch and if you are scared……… that’s a you problem, there not even that scary its not even real. now I might sound like a psychopath when i say the best part of horror movies is the blood, knives and people dying i like that stuff because………. um….. maybe i am a psychopath because i don’t know why i like that stuff. a lot of people say they don’t like horror movies when they haven’t even watched them or they just watched the very beginning, got scared and chickened out but they never took the time to actulley watch the grandma hates horror movies and i made her watch the whole scream franchise (the best horror movie franchise ever) and she hates horror movies and now we watch it every time i spend the night. so if people just DON’T BE SCARED you will love horror movies.